Archives for math tutor

The Value of Education

Receiving a basic education is considered by many to be a fundamental human right. Likewise, many people would say it is essential for the exercise of all other human rights. Education provides individual freedom, empowerment and yields important benefits. It is a powerful tool by which economically and socially marginalized individuals can lift themselves out of poverty and participate fully as citizens. Education helps to stimulate our minds and it can mold inquisitive minds into intellectuals. So, it is a foundation of our society. Further learning can take the intellect Continue Reading

How to Get Ready for a New Semester

New semester is a new life change and many students become anxious, fearful or even panicked as a new semester approaches. At Gold Star Tutors, we believe it’s best to take on a new semester in a planned, thoughtful and organized way. This can greatly diminish the stress that often comes with a new semester. We now share 8 steps to a better, more successful semester. Find out what you need for gear, textbooks and resources ahead of time and whether or not you need a brand new textbook. You Continue Reading

10,000 hours

Around the world, many experts in their respective fields, are in agreement that one must put in at least 10,000 hours of practice before he or she can be considered an expert. Have you lamented that you’re not very proficient at what you do?  Maybe you haven’t yet devoted a total of 10,000 hours of work in that job or endeavor. Time and time again it has been demonstrated that only after 10,000 hours of hitting balls back and forth can a player be considered an expert tennis player.  Only Continue Reading

Mneumonics Can Help You Remember

A mnemonic (pronounced nee-MON-ik) is a memory aid you can use to improve your long term recollection of a topic. Mnemonic devices can help you remember information that you initially may have thought was difficult to remember. Rules, names, sequences and concepts in many subjects can be memorized easily and efficiently with the use of mnemonic devices. In this article I will list a few subjects and at least one mnemonic for each subject. Biology The taxonomy (full biological classification) of human beings is given as: Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Primate, Continue Reading

6 Steps to a Better Report Card

You need to act quickly. A bad grade is a big warning sign that something isn’t right and the sooner it gets addressed the better. You see, education is a foundational building block system and teachers just don’t have the time to go back and reteach concepts from previous grades. That means when your child is missing fundamental building block Continue Reading